Hi, I’m David KI7QQC

A radio operator who enjoys grabbing his radio and making contacts whenever and wherever I can.

Radio Info



Early on

I was exposed to ham radio in elementary school. That was the extent of my experience until I joined the military in 2004. While I was deployed, one of buddies was a radio repairman and started to show me how radios worked in general. that reignited the spark of curiosity. I took a weekend crash course and passed my Tech in 2017 and General in 2019, and I have been learning and studying ever since, will the goal of getting my Extra.


My first radio that I started learning on was a Baofeng UV-5R. I currently have a handful of radios, I have the Icom IC-7300 & IC-7100, a Yaesu FT-5DR, Anytone 878 &578. I have been teaching myself DMR Codeplug building for the past year and a half and helping friends set up theirs as I learn while sharing what I know with them. I’m still learning every day. I am building my knowledge base, trying to learn all aspects of Ham Radio. D-star still eludes me as there are not many around me who use it. I am starting to explore the FM satellites with the FT-5DR and an Arrow antenna.